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I can't believe how long it's taken...

The Queen of Time is *almost* ready for release! All that's left to do is the final mastering and then it will be available everywhere (hopefully 😅). The last year has been spent making sure everything is as excellent as I can make it before I send these songs out into the world. I've been working with the very talented John Caviness out of Denver to make some revisions to the overall balance of the mixes. His expert ear has really helped me make better decisions about how to present the interesting pallet of sounds on the album, and make sure everything shines. I think this process has been very lucrative and I'm very excited about the finished product!

Over the last year I've been hard at work on a collection songs for a future album called Invertebrate Waltz. I think a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of songwriting for that project is complete. I learned a lot about mixing and production on The Queen of Time, but I'm curious how a slightly different process might influence my sound and make the songs even more extravagant- I'm excited to see what the future holds! I recorded The Queen of Time in my apartment. I wonder what it would be like to work in a whole recording studio? maybe even with other musicians? I've also done a ton of work figuring out what my brand my look like, and how and where I want to be seen. There's still a lot of work to do in this regard- and my apathy/distaste towards social media certainly doesn't help... but soon, I will be swallowing my pride and making *posts* in the *public*... There's still so much to do! I'm still trying to make sure all my bases are covered for distribution. Since this is my first public, commercial release of music, my expectations are small, and I think my modest personal goals are achievable. I have no record label, and no *fans* to whom I am currently accountable- so largely I'm just trying to make something that satisfies my heart, and makes someone want to dance or cry or laugh or think or something. Stay tuned for more updates! <3 - Tom.


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