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The Queen of Time is officially out now!

The long wait is finally over!!! My first publicly released album is officially live and available everywhere music is found!

How am I? I feel extremely weird.

I feel extremely nervous. I feel a little excited? but mostly terrified I messed something up or that people won't like it 😅

The distribution process included a very strange page in which I had to 'declare a genre'... and I really don't know what you would call this kind of music? I asked my friends for help and they were a little stumped too. Unfortunately blankety, artsy buzzwords like "Indie" and "Alternative" weren't listed as options... so I had to use Pop and Electronic (with more marginally more descriptive sub-genre "Folktronica" and "Psychedelic Pop"...) This doesn't feel like a great fit to be honest. I feel very uneasy about it- especially seeing the album now appear in itunes with a big "POP" label underneath it (🤢 they really should have warned me about that. I'll definitely have to do something to fix it later).

I can't help but feel like a bundle of nerves right now. I have a list of things I told myself I would do once the album was released to promote it- but I don't know how much of it I can do right now (especially as I get ready to leave tomorrow for my week long excursion to Burning Man). Much of that promotion will have to be a task for once I return.

Honestly I'm only comforted by t😅he fact that very few people are actually *looking* for my music right now. I'm still getting comfortable with the idea of having a public facing aspect of my person. It's a very unnerving thing for me, and I'm definitely still learning and getting better at managing it. 😅

Honestly I'm only comforted by the fact that very few people are actually *looking* for my music right now. I guess I feel safe from my mistakes while I'm hiding in the default-obscurity that comes with never having released anything, lol. I'm still getting comfortable with the idea of having a public facing aspect of my work, or cultivating a visible identity as an artist. It's a very unnerving thing for me, and I'm definitely still learning and getting better at understanding what it means and how to do it.

This project has taken a ton of time and energy, and I really hope that people do enjoy it. I know it's extremely hard to 'break in to the music scene' today- and my ambitions are modest at best. I need to keep reminding myself that I only really want this to be a stepping stone- something I can build a future career and name off of going forward. I've learned SO much from going through this whole process from beginning to end over the last 2-3 years. It's crazy to see it finally exist in a place where it can actually do what music does.

Enough of my nervous rambling- please- go! enjoy!


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